Friday, December 23, 2011


It's been a long time I have no company in the kitchen.
Last week, one of my friend asked me to cook one of 'kue jajan pasar' (traditional market dessert).
This dessert is really similar to the crepes. The batter is green because we added pandan extract and suji leaves extract into it. Since it's not easy to find the fresh ingredients, so we use a shortcut using only pandan paste for giving color and aroma.
The filling is grated coconut that we cook with melted palm sugar until it is saturated.
Last touch is we fill the crepes with the filling and roll it.

dadar gulung the making

For the first 2-3 crepes we were still figuring out the thickness of our batter, until finally we came up with the right texture.

Ingredients :

Crepes :
250 grams flour
3 eggs
500-525 mL ( coconut milk : we mix about 200 mL thick coconut with water)
Pandan Paste
Salt 1/2 tsp

Filling :
1 pound of frozen grated coconut (thawed before using it)
250 grams palm sugar
125 mL water
Salt 1/2 tsp
Cinnamon powder 1/4 sdt


Filling : Melt the palm sugar with the water, salt. Add grated coconut into boiling sugar mixture, mix and stir until it mix well. Cook until all the sugar mixture is absorbed. Season with cinnamon powder.

Crepes : Beat the eggs with whisker, add the coconut milk. Pour out this wet ingredient into the dry ingredient, mix until well blended.
Heat the crepes pan or non stick pan about 15cm (diameter). Put little amount of margarine, pour out 1/4 cup of the batter, spread it evenly to all the pan surface. Wait until it is done.
Fill the crepes with the filling and roll it.


Jajanan Pasar : Kue Talam & Kelepon

Jajanan Pasar : Kue Talam & Kelepon
(Traditional Market Dessert :
Steam cake with coconut milk & Glutinous rice ball with palm sugar filling)

Kue Talam (Steam Cake with coconut milk)
Commonly this kind of cake will use yam (sweet potato as the base), but in this recipe I'll try pumpkin puree instead of sweet potato puree. Maybe because starting October is the time for pumpkin to shine in American baking.

I copied the recipe from Rumah Gemintang with my modification.

A :
200 gram canned pumpkin puree
70 gram tapioca flour
30 gram rice flour
170 ml coconut milk
100 gram sugar
1/2 tsp salt

25 gram tapioca flour
2 tbsp rice flour
25 ml warm water
150 ml coconut milk
1 tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt

-Mix A ingredients until well mixed, shifted if needed
-Mix B ingredients until smooth also.
-Prepare hot steam pot and also kue talam mold, grease with some oil.
-Pour A mixture about 2 tbsp to the mold, steam for 10 minutes.
-Pour B mixture on top of cooked A mixture, steam again for 5 minutes.
- If you like you can put raisin as the garnish and steam for another 10 minutes ( but I skipped the garnish, so after pouring B mixture I added 15 minutes steaming time)
- Cool them and take the cake out from the mold. (size of this cake is abot 2 inches (diameter) and 1.5 inches (height) )



I really like to use mba Ienas Tsuroiya recipe. I just use my cup to measure the ingredients. I've been using her recipe for several times, it turns out good. Might be because she is using the same brand of flour that we found here ^_^.

2 cup rice glutinous flour
1/2 cup rice flour
2 cup thin coconut milk
1/2 tsp salt
5-6 drops of Pandan Pasta
Palm sugar thinly sliced

Grated Coconut (I use the frozen one)
1/2 tsp salt

1. Mix rice glutinous, rice flour, Pandan Pasta and salt, add water small amount at a time, until the we get non sticky dough (it's like play doh consistency)
2. Take 1 tbsp of the dough, flatten it, fill the center with palm sugar, form it like a ball.
3. Boil some water in the pan, add the balls into boiling water. Wait until the ball floating, set aside.
4. Cover the ball with grated coconut that has been cooked (microwave)



Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas is Here

This year will be the third Christmas for my son Jev.
Yesterday our church in Boston has held Christmas celebration.
It's always early because some of the members which are students will be back to their home town.
Jev always enjoys his time with his friends.
And I just found out he has sweet tooth...he loves cookies.
She ate too much cookies until he couldn't finish his dinner.
That was my fault too though...I let him spoil his appetite before he was having his dinner.
Once in a year it's ok, right? ^_^

Jev xmas cookie

When the celebration was done, there are some cookies left.
I couldn't have my self to take some home.

xmas cookies red and green

Hope all of you enjoy this season.Peace and joy be upon all of you!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Nasi Liwet Solo

Hari Sabtu kemarin ini, dapat kiriman masakan nasi liwet dari seorang kenalan.
Siang itu suami saya jadi menikmati makan siang ala Indonesia. Saya jadi teringat bulan September lalu saya memasak nasi liwet ala Solo dan entah karena lupa dan kesibukan di dunia nyata, saya lupa niat saya mengarsipkan resep nasi liwet ini.
Tentunya saya tidak serajin pengirim nasi liwet yang meracik bumbunya sendiri. Nasi liwet yang saya buat, sebagian menggunakan bumbu instant. Namanya juga 'simple kitchen' senangnya yang praktis he..he..he..

NasiLiwet Solo Collage

Panduan resep nasi liwet Solo ini saya ambil dari resep Ibu Ine di kolom resep multiply site beliau.
Link ke resep aslinya dapat diklik di SINI.

Berikut ini resep modifikasi saya, untuk ayamnya saya buat menggunakan bumbu instant opor merek Bangka 47 .

1 batang sereh dimemarkan
2 sdt garam
4 lembar daun salam
400 gram beras
800 mL santan (saya pakai 400 mL santan kaleng + 400 mL air)

Cara : Masukan semua bahan di rice cooker, seperti memasak nasi biasa. Jika menggunakan kompor biasa. Didihkan santan garam, sereh, daun salam. Setelah itu campur dengar beras yang telah dicuci bersih. Aduk-aduk sebentar, lalu kukus nasi sampai matang.

2 pounds dada ayam
1 pounds hati ayam
Telur rebus sesuai selera
2-3 bungkus bumbu Opor Ayam

Cara: masak sesuai petunjuk kemasan. Setelah matang. Sisihkan kuahnya. Suir-suir ayam yang telah matang. Potong-potong hati ayam lalu ditusuk dengan tusuk sate.

Idealnya, labu siam diiris memanjang, lalu direndam air kapur sirih supaya tidak terlalu lembek setelah dimasak. Tapi saya lewat nih langkah yang ini.

2 buah labu siam
3 sdm cabe merah giling
2 iris lengkuas
2 lembar daun salam
1 sdt gula
jika suka pedas bisa ditambah 1 genggam cabe rawit merah
kuah dari opor ayam di atas ambil sebagian

Tumis cabe merah, lengkuas dan daun salam sampai harum, tambahkan kuah opor ayam, masukan labu siam iris, gula pasir. Masak hingga matang.

Di resep dari Ibu Ine ini ada teman nasi Liwet Solo yang khas seperti kumut (santan kental yang dimasak dengan putih telur) dan telur dadar tim/kukus. Tapi kali ini saya tidak sempat membuat keduanya.

Cara Penyajian :
Nasi sepincuk (dialas daun pisang) ditambahkan sayur labu dan sedikit kuah, ayam suir dan telur. Siram dengan sedikit kuah dari opor tadi. Nikmati dengan sate ati ayam.
Saya paling suka makan dengan kerupuk, jadilah kerupuk udang yang kriuk-kriuk menemani nasi liwet ala saya ini.

Nasi Liwet Solo

Monday, September 19, 2011


I missed my previous blog...I don't know why I opened my old blog, and enjoyed them. I just want to put their links here as a reminiscence.

All recipes in these links are in Indonesian language.

Recipes at Reviresco Life's Corner

When the word "nostalgia" popped up in my mind...I remember this song.
This song is about people who is remembering and reminiscing high school season in their life. When she met her beloved one at school.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Arugula Salad with Red Beans & Mandarin Orange

Summer is almost ended. If I may choose, I want warm/hot weather as summer time with foliage like autumn season has. I still feel like to eat fresh veggie and fruit...Don't want to end this summer.

I made simple salad with arugula, red beans, mandarin orange and tomato. I made simple dressing for this salad. Combination of spicy arugula with nutty taste from the beans and some sweetness from the orange are so lovely. Love it...

Ingredients :
Baby Arugula (about 2 handfuls )
Canned Red beans ( drain, wash, rinse) -- about 3-4 tbsp
Canned Mandarin Orange ( drain the syrup)
Crouton (crushed to add some crunchy texture)
Shredded Parmesan Cheese --- 1 -2 tbsp
Plum tomato - sliced

Dressing :
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp honey balsamic vinaigrette
1 tbsp lemon juice
salt & pepper to taste
(whisk all the ingredients of the dressing)

Put all the veggie and beans in a bowl, pour the dressing over them. Toss them. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and crushed crouton.

Ready to enjoy...

Arugula Salad with Red Beans and Mandarin Orange

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Baking Cake with Rice Cooker

I bought a new rice cooker. After reading lots of reviews, I decided to buy Sanyo brand rice cooker. Instead of buying $200 rice cooker from leading brand, I got micro-computerized rice cooker with reasonable price.

One of reviewer at said that she made a cake using baking function from this rice cooker. I tried the same thing, from manual book I read that it can be used for any cake mix box. This is a short cut for making my son's 2nd birthday cake.

I was worry after pouring out the batter to the inner pan and push baking button on the rice cooker. After waiting for about 55 minutes...voila..a nice thick cake was produced by this rice cooker. So happy I got multifunctions rice cooker...

My son and I had a great time decorating the cake. My son was so excited to put all the M&M chocolate milk over the ganache frosting I made. Love you son....

Encouraging Myself to Cook

My previous post was about my kitchen blues last August.
At the end of August, I really needed to motivate my self to cook again.
My son would have his birthday on August 25th....I wanted to make something for him.
Sometimes to increase my mood of cooking, I love to see something cute, crafty and lovely.
Just to give some treat for my eyes :-)

Abe's art

I opened my pics when I went to a food bazaar at the end of July, and I saw some cute stuff from a Bostonian student. Her name is Abe. She made mini painting with clay creations and also she made a lovely bottle art, she called it "Say It with a bottle".
You can see it more detail on her blog , just click HERE.

Abe's mini painting with clay creation

Finally I find my spirit of cooking again...yay I was making tapioca layer steam cake (lapis sagu). It was time consuming (more than 1 hour making time, and we have to do it layer by layer). But after seeing the beautiful colorful layer of this cake I just felt happy.

Lapis Sagu

I got this recipe from Ibu Estherlita, from her multiply blog (

750 mL thick coconut milk
200 mL thin coconut milk
100 mL condensed milk
500 gr tapioca flour
2 tbsp sweet rice flour
400 gr sugar
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla
food coloring and food essence according to our preference (usually Pandan paste)

lapis sagu 2


Warm the milk and coconut milk, add sugar and salt.
Put the milk mixture into the flour, stir and mix until smooth. Prepare the steamer. Grease the pan that we will use to steam, with some vegetable oil. Cook every layer, about 10 minutes. I was using mini loaf silicon pan. And I just made half of the amount of the recipe. We need to cook every layer perfectly so we can pull layer by layer when we eat them. After all the layer done, steam again about 20 minutes.

Lapis sagu

Kitchen Blues

Is that really a term to describe how lazy I am to cook.
I don't know why August was so blue....I just cook ordinary dishes and simple.
One of them was tom yum soup with udon noodle.

Tom Yum Udon

I just used instant tom yum soup in a jar. I scoped and put it into the boiling water.
Added some fish ball and fish cake, lastly added some shrimp.
I also prepared a bowl of cooked udon noodle. Pour out the soup into the noodle, garnish with some cilantro and it's ready to enjoy.

Simple dishes for my kitchen blue days...

I also asked my husband to be my model...just want to try new style of taking food picture.

Tom Yum Udon

Monday, July 25, 2011

Grass Jelly Drink

I can feel the heat and spirit of summer. My son loves to play outside *Of course after months playing inside the house during winter time* One day he played ball and bubbles excitedly. He might want to be a soccer player ^_^.

Jev with bubbles and balls

Jev with bubbles and ball 2

On a hot and sunny day, usually I need something cooling and refreshing.
Grass Jelly with ice cube and palm sugar syrup with Pandan Leaves flavor is very satisfying for me.

Grass jelly is made by boiling the aged and slightly oxidized stalks and leaves of Mesona chinensis[1][2] (member of the mint family) with potassium carbonate for several hours with a little starch and then cooling the liquid to a jelly-like consistency.[1][3] This jelly can be cut into cubes or other forms, and then mixed with syrup to produce a drink or dessert thought to have cooling (yin) properties, which makes it typically consumed during hot weather. The jelly itself has a slight bitter taste, a light iodine lavender flavor, and is a translucent black. It can also be mixed with soy milk to produce a milky white liquid with black strands in it. (Source : Wikipedia)

A can of Grass Jelly

Ingredients :
1 can grass Jelly, cut into small cubes

Syrup :
6 tbsp of sugar
125 grams of palm sugar
2 pandan leaves

Prepare the syrup by dissolve sugar into boiling water (eye ball the amount of water), and also put pandan leaves into the mixture. Let it cool.

Mix grass jelly with the syrup, add ice cube or crushed ice.

Grass Jelly Drink2

Grass Jelly Drink

Friday, July 1, 2011

Colorful Rum Ball

Last Monday we went to Hampton Beach to see Sand Sculpture Exhibition. On the way to the beach there were some stores who sell colorful summer dresses. They displayed the dresses near the road. They hung the mannequin along their deck. I just loved the color. It looks so festive.

Warna Warni
Inspired by their festivity...I remember my colorful chocolate sprinkle (meises Ceres from Indonesia). I've planned to make rum ball to use left over whipped cream that will be expired soon. I use colorful sprinkle instead of regular chocolate sprinkle.

Any cake (yellow cake, or chocolate cake)
whipped cream
chocolate chips

1. Crush all the cake using food processor until it become powdery. Set aside.
2. Make ganache : 1:1( whipped cream : chocolate chips) : Heat them in microwave, 30 seconds and stir, repeat this step until all melted and blended.
3. Mix no.1 with ganache and rum, using food processor until they become like dough and easy to be formed. Just eye ball the amount of ganache you'll use.
4. Form the mixture into small ball ( 1 tbs), roll into chocolate sprinkle. Put the ball in paper cup. Put in the fridge 1-2 hours to make it firm.

rum ball

Monday, June 20, 2011

Banjir Dessert di Hari Ulang Tahun

I couldn't believe, I got so many dessert on my birthday...

Banjir dessert on my bday

Thank you everyone for your caring and thought. I can feel them while enjoying the food. It is good also to have friends and relatives who came to my house so I didn't enjoy them alone. I only make Tiramisu and Sweet rice porridge. I got two Oreo Ice Cream Cakes...^_^ oh my...They ruins my diet he.he..he..

Banjir Dessert : Oreo Ice Cream Cake

Bolu Gulung (Roll Cake with fruits and cream)...

Banjir Dessert on my bday:Bolu Gulung collage

Lapis Buah (Layer Cake with fruits)

Banjir Dessert on my bday:Lapis Buah collage

Wajid (Sweet rice cake and palm sugar)
Banjir Dessert on my bday: Wajik

My Tiramisu
Tiramisu for my birthday 1

Sweet Rice with Jackfruit and Toddy Palm
Sweet Rice Porridge with Jackfruit & Toddy Palm

Btw, on Sunday, people in my church brought so many food for us for dinner...Unfortunately I didn't take the pics...Thanks again for all :-) You've made my day...

Sweet Rice Porridge with Jackfruit & Toddy Palm

I learned making this Cambodian dessert from my friend at aerobic class 3 years ago. It's super easy but delicious, suitable for serving a crowd. I brought this dessert last saturday when I visited my friend at Swanzey NH, 2 hours driving from my house. It was fun, making new friends, enjoying delicious food together.

3 cups sweet rice --- soak in water 2 hours or more
2 cans of coconut milk
Pandan leaves 2-3
2 cans of Toddy Palm and Jackfruit


1. Cook sweet rice, coconut milk, pandan leaves and water ( I used 6 quart pan, it's about 3/4 pan). Cook until soft, stir occasionally so the rice will not be sticky on the bottom of the pan.
2. Add sugar and a pinch of salt. Taste , adjust according to your preference.
3. Drain the syrup from Toddy palm and Jackfruit can. Pour out the fruits on top of the porridge.
4. Serve it warm or cool. I prefer cool porridge...yummm....

Sweet Rice Porridge with Jackfruit & Toddy Palm

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tiramisu For my Birthday

Cooking on my bday? I chose something unbaked for my day.
I remember mba Ienas Tsuroiya Recipe. I've been using this recipe for many times.
It's good.... I changed rum into coffee liquor (Kahlua). I made two batches, one is in pyrex 13", and the other is in spring form pan.

Indonesian version for this recipe is HERE ( : recipe without gelatin).

Here is my modification by adding gelatin to make it firm in my spring form pan.

Tiramisu for my birthday 2

6 egg yolks
1 cup sugar
16 Oz mascarpone cheese
1 envelope of gelatin, dissolve with small amount of water.
1 1/2 cup whipping cream
24 Lady finger
1 cup chocolate chips
1 cup thick coffee ( mine : 1/2 thick coffee, 1/2 Kahlua)
Dutch Processed Choco Powder

1. Mix hot coffee and chocolate chips, when it is cool enough, add the liquor, set aside. We will use this for soaking our lady finger.
2. Beat egg yolks and sugar, continue beat them on double boiler ( in case we are afraid of raw eggs). Beat until the mixture's color is pale. Add the rum/Kahlua ( about 2 tbsp or more up to your taste buds). Add Mascarpone cheese and dissolved gelatine, beat until well mixed.

3. In other bowl, whipped the cream until soft peak.

4. Put no.3 into no.2 , whipped just until it mixed not over beat..

5. Soak lady finger to no.1, arrange on the bottom of the pyrex. Pour out no. 4 as the second layer. Repeat this step to make 2 layer of lady finger and 2 layer of mascarpone mixture.

6. Let it set overnight or at least 8 hour in the refrigerator.

7. Before enjoying your tiramisu, shift choco powder on top of your tiramisu.

Tiramisu for my birthday 1

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Beef Kebabs for a Crowd

We went to Pawtuckaway State Park, Nottingham NH on Memorial Day's week end.
Jev was really happy, meeting people, playing with his friends.

Bermain Pasir

This photo is the second round of his playing time. After cleaning up the first round, he ate his lunch, and then his friends came and they enjoyed their time together.

Bermain dengan teman & Makan Jagung

I tried to make kebab for our potluck picnik...but I think I need more to put more marinade sauce. I supposed to use ground cumin, but I only have whole cumin at home :-( .
I'm not happy with the result. I will try to do it better next time.
I tried to combine recipe from Big Food book by Elissa Altman and recipe spicy kebab from Alton Brown, Foodnetwork.

Marinade :
3/4 cup extra virgin oil
3 cloves of garlic, peeled and minced
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
Juice of one lemon
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp cumin

Whisk all the ingredients in small bowl.

Kebab :
4 lbs of beef sirloin or top round, cut it into cubes
Small Onions cut into 4
1 pint of cherry tomatoes
2 large bell pepper, seeded, cut into large square
1 can chunk pineapple, drained the juice

(about 35 skewers)

Using long bamboo skewers, thread together kebabs in this fashion: Onion, tomatoes, beef, peppers, beef, pineapple.

Raw Kebab in the kitchen

Place skewers in large container, drizzle with marinate, double plastic wrap and refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight.

After the grill is ready, we can put the kebab on the grill, let it cook... Do we need to separate the veggie/fruit from the beef? I found the beef takes longer time to cook.

Kebab on the Grill

Monday, May 16, 2011

Cakalang Bumbu Manado (Manadonese Style Smoked Tuna)

Yippiiie...I got Ikan Cakalang Fufu (Smoked Tuna Fish) from Manado, North Sulawesi Indonesia. My mom told me to make a dish the same as she usually makes at home beside the chilli sauce (rica-rica). I asked her what is the specific name for this recipe..She couldn't remember. So I just called it Manadonese Seasoning Smoked Tuna Fish.

Cakalang Fufu (Smoked Tuna Fish)

Ingredients :
500 gram Smoked Tuna Fish - Cut into chunk
1 big shallot - thinly sliced
2 green onion - thinly sliced
2 lemon grass - crushed the white part
2 kafir lemon leaves
1 cup coconut milk
white basil leaves

Put into a blender/food processor or grind it :
5-8 cloves garlic
5 -7 cloves candle nuts
2 cm ginger root
5-10 Thai Chili ( according to your preference)
salt & pepper

Direction :
1. Stir fry shallot until it fragrance.
2. Add minced/smooth seasoning, stir until the color changed.
3. Add lemon grass and also Kafir lemon leaves
4. Stir the smoked fish into the sauteed seasoning, mix it well.
5. Pour the coconut milk into the fish-mixtures, continue to cook it until the liquid reduced. Before the liquid reduced, add green onion and White Basil leaves.
6. Enjoy it with hot steam white rice.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Classic Marble Cake

This is my mother in law's recipe. My hubby loves it very much. So when I was in Indonesia. I asked her to teach me how to make it. Usually I will use melted margarine that is poured into the batter after eggs and sugar are beaten, but this classic recipe use margarine in room temperature directly mix and beat with the sugar and eggs.
The result is denser than usual cake , but still smooth and delicious.

400 gram Margarine ( I use Blue Band brand)
400 gram sugar
8 egg yolks
6 egg whites
350 gram shifted flour + 50 gram powder milk ( I change it to 3 tbsp of condensed milk).

Heat the oven 180 C/350 F
Beat Margarine, sugar and the egg until smooth and raised (use hand mixer about 15 minutes)
Add the flour, fold into the batter.
Pour the batter to baking pan that's been greased and floured.
Bake for about 50-55 minutes

Classic Marble Cake

Monday, May 9, 2011

Tropical Fruit Salad

Spring has sprung. The weather is getting warmer. The flowers are blooming.


Something fresh might satisfy our palate. I got the original recipe from a wholesale spring booklet. I modified according what I had in hands.



Fruits :
1/2 medium ripe papaya
1 mango
1 can pineapple - drained the liquid
2 kiwis
1 mandarin orange

1 cup greek yogurt - I have lemon greek yogurt.
2 tbs honey
3 tbs coconut milk
1/4 tsp ginger powder

Direction :
1. Peel and cut the fruits according your preference, arrange in a plate
2. Mix all the dressing ingredients.
3. Enjoy the fruits with the dressing.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Food Can Bring Memories

Last year, on this date, my dad was brought to the hospital. And he had to be there for 4 months until he has to leave us forever. It's been a week I remember him more than usual. Too many sweet memories that we had together.

Many times food that we enjoyed together can bring all the memories back.
When I visited Bandung two months ago, my sister and I went to old bakery on Jl. Otista Bandung. They made the bread daily, without any preservatives and food additive. The taste of the bread is very 'natural' for me... Not to smooth ,but delicious. Just by seeing the old door and display, my mind was flying to my dad. He loves the bread from this bakery since 1967 when he moved to Bandung. He loves 'Roti Lima Rasa ( Five Flavour Bread) and Roti Frans Coklat ( Big Bread with Chocolate Filling).

Unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera with me. So I don't have the bakery building's pictures. After we arrived home, I tried to make a picture of Roti Frans Coklat...
Every time I see this picture, I remember my dad's love for his family, he was very happy when we enjoyed the food he brought home, one of them is this bread.

Roti Sidodadi

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mie Rica ala Jane's Simple Kitchen

Sewaktu mudik kemarin, saya dan adik saya menyempatkan diri ke tukang bakmie favorit kami. Sambil saya sedikit was-was, kalau-kalau perut saya tidak tahan pedas lagi. Mie Rica Kejaksaan yang dulu hanya ada di jl. Kejaksaan Bandung, dekat Braga, sekarang ada juga di kompleks HyperSquare, outdoor food court yang enak suasananya di Jl. Pasir Kaliki. Lokasi Mie Rica Kejaksaan ini di areal ruko, tidak jauh dari Blossom Factory Outlet.

TampakDepan MIeRica

Setelah lebih dari empat tahun tidak berkunjung ke tempat ini, ternyata sudah banyak menu barunya.


Adik saya memesan Mie Rica Ca Sau, sejenis daging babi panggang garing manis namun dibubuhi bumbu rica-rica, tekstur dan rasanya sangat menarik.


Sedangkan saya memesan Mie Rica klasik yang sedari dulu menjadi andalan tempat ini.


Senang sekali sore itu bisa ngobrol-ngobrol berdua dengan adik tercinta sambil menikmati pedas dan gurihnya menu yang disajikan. Thank you traktirannya ya Vi...Next mudik kita ke sini lagi :-).

Nah, Jumat malam kemarin, saya akan kedatangan tamu home group dari gereja, teringatlah saya akan menu ini. Saya coba buat ala saya deh...sambil membayangkan dan mencoba memirip-miripkan rasanya dengan yang di Bandung. Resep ini ukuran jumbo, karena untuk rombongan :-)

Mie Rica Jane's Simple kitchen

RESEP MIE RICA Jane's Simple Kitchen

Daging Rica Untuk Taburan :

3 lbs daging babi cincang
Minyak untuk menumis

Bumbu Halus :
2 gendul bawang putih yang masih utuh ( sekitar 16 siung besar)
0.3 lbs cabe rawit merah(Thai Chilli) === sesuai selera masing2, kalau ada cabe besar lebih bagus untuk memberi warna merah.
1 buah shallot (bawang merah ukuran besar) besar
Jahe 2 cm
Garam Gula Merica secukupnya

Bumbu Iris :
1 buah shallot iris2 halus
1 buah plum tomat dipotong kecil-kecil
2 batang serai dimemarkan
2 lembar daun pandan
4 lembar daun jeruk

Cara membuat :
1. Tumis bawang merah iris sampai harum, masukan serai, daun pandan dan daun jeruk, tumis juga sampai wangi. Tumis bersama tomat.
2. Masukkan bumbu halus ke dalam tumisan. Masak hingga matang.
3. Tambahkan daging cincang ke dalam bumbu tumis aduk rata hingga matang.


1. Siapkan mangkok saji, masukkan 1 sdm minyak ayam/babi, 1 sdm kecap ikan, 1 sdt kecap asin, 1 sdt minyak wijen.
2. Rebus mie telor basah sampai matangnya pas (all dente). Tiriskan. Lalu tuangkan ke mangkok saji, aduk-aduk hingga tercampur rata dengan minyak dan kecap asin tadi.
3. Taburi dengan daging rica-rica.
4. Siap dinikmati, dengan pangsit goreng atau pun dengan kuah bakso.

Mie Rica BE

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