Friday, December 23, 2011


It's been a long time I have no company in the kitchen.
Last week, one of my friend asked me to cook one of 'kue jajan pasar' (traditional market dessert).
This dessert is really similar to the crepes. The batter is green because we added pandan extract and suji leaves extract into it. Since it's not easy to find the fresh ingredients, so we use a shortcut using only pandan paste for giving color and aroma.
The filling is grated coconut that we cook with melted palm sugar until it is saturated.
Last touch is we fill the crepes with the filling and roll it.

dadar gulung the making

For the first 2-3 crepes we were still figuring out the thickness of our batter, until finally we came up with the right texture.

Ingredients :

Crepes :
250 grams flour
3 eggs
500-525 mL ( coconut milk : we mix about 200 mL thick coconut with water)
Pandan Paste
Salt 1/2 tsp

Filling :
1 pound of frozen grated coconut (thawed before using it)
250 grams palm sugar
125 mL water
Salt 1/2 tsp
Cinnamon powder 1/4 sdt


Filling : Melt the palm sugar with the water, salt. Add grated coconut into boiling sugar mixture, mix and stir until it mix well. Cook until all the sugar mixture is absorbed. Season with cinnamon powder.

Crepes : Beat the eggs with whisker, add the coconut milk. Pour out this wet ingredient into the dry ingredient, mix until well blended.
Heat the crepes pan or non stick pan about 15cm (diameter). Put little amount of margarine, pour out 1/4 cup of the batter, spread it evenly to all the pan surface. Wait until it is done.
Fill the crepes with the filling and roll it.


Jajanan Pasar : Kue Talam & Kelepon

Jajanan Pasar : Kue Talam & Kelepon
(Traditional Market Dessert :
Steam cake with coconut milk & Glutinous rice ball with palm sugar filling)

Kue Talam (Steam Cake with coconut milk)
Commonly this kind of cake will use yam (sweet potato as the base), but in this recipe I'll try pumpkin puree instead of sweet potato puree. Maybe because starting October is the time for pumpkin to shine in American baking.

I copied the recipe from Rumah Gemintang with my modification.

A :
200 gram canned pumpkin puree
70 gram tapioca flour
30 gram rice flour
170 ml coconut milk
100 gram sugar
1/2 tsp salt

25 gram tapioca flour
2 tbsp rice flour
25 ml warm water
150 ml coconut milk
1 tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt

-Mix A ingredients until well mixed, shifted if needed
-Mix B ingredients until smooth also.
-Prepare hot steam pot and also kue talam mold, grease with some oil.
-Pour A mixture about 2 tbsp to the mold, steam for 10 minutes.
-Pour B mixture on top of cooked A mixture, steam again for 5 minutes.
- If you like you can put raisin as the garnish and steam for another 10 minutes ( but I skipped the garnish, so after pouring B mixture I added 15 minutes steaming time)
- Cool them and take the cake out from the mold. (size of this cake is abot 2 inches (diameter) and 1.5 inches (height) )



I really like to use mba Ienas Tsuroiya recipe. I just use my cup to measure the ingredients. I've been using her recipe for several times, it turns out good. Might be because she is using the same brand of flour that we found here ^_^.

2 cup rice glutinous flour
1/2 cup rice flour
2 cup thin coconut milk
1/2 tsp salt
5-6 drops of Pandan Pasta
Palm sugar thinly sliced

Grated Coconut (I use the frozen one)
1/2 tsp salt

1. Mix rice glutinous, rice flour, Pandan Pasta and salt, add water small amount at a time, until the we get non sticky dough (it's like play doh consistency)
2. Take 1 tbsp of the dough, flatten it, fill the center with palm sugar, form it like a ball.
3. Boil some water in the pan, add the balls into boiling water. Wait until the ball floating, set aside.
4. Cover the ball with grated coconut that has been cooked (microwave)



Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas is Here

This year will be the third Christmas for my son Jev.
Yesterday our church in Boston has held Christmas celebration.
It's always early because some of the members which are students will be back to their home town.
Jev always enjoys his time with his friends.
And I just found out he has sweet tooth...he loves cookies.
She ate too much cookies until he couldn't finish his dinner.
That was my fault too though...I let him spoil his appetite before he was having his dinner.
Once in a year it's ok, right? ^_^

Jev xmas cookie

When the celebration was done, there are some cookies left.
I couldn't have my self to take some home.

xmas cookies red and green

Hope all of you enjoy this season.Peace and joy be upon all of you!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Nasi Liwet Solo

Hari Sabtu kemarin ini, dapat kiriman masakan nasi liwet dari seorang kenalan.
Siang itu suami saya jadi menikmati makan siang ala Indonesia. Saya jadi teringat bulan September lalu saya memasak nasi liwet ala Solo dan entah karena lupa dan kesibukan di dunia nyata, saya lupa niat saya mengarsipkan resep nasi liwet ini.
Tentunya saya tidak serajin pengirim nasi liwet yang meracik bumbunya sendiri. Nasi liwet yang saya buat, sebagian menggunakan bumbu instant. Namanya juga 'simple kitchen' senangnya yang praktis he..he..he..

NasiLiwet Solo Collage

Panduan resep nasi liwet Solo ini saya ambil dari resep Ibu Ine di kolom resep multiply site beliau.
Link ke resep aslinya dapat diklik di SINI.

Berikut ini resep modifikasi saya, untuk ayamnya saya buat menggunakan bumbu instant opor merek Bangka 47 .

1 batang sereh dimemarkan
2 sdt garam
4 lembar daun salam
400 gram beras
800 mL santan (saya pakai 400 mL santan kaleng + 400 mL air)

Cara : Masukan semua bahan di rice cooker, seperti memasak nasi biasa. Jika menggunakan kompor biasa. Didihkan santan garam, sereh, daun salam. Setelah itu campur dengar beras yang telah dicuci bersih. Aduk-aduk sebentar, lalu kukus nasi sampai matang.

2 pounds dada ayam
1 pounds hati ayam
Telur rebus sesuai selera
2-3 bungkus bumbu Opor Ayam

Cara: masak sesuai petunjuk kemasan. Setelah matang. Sisihkan kuahnya. Suir-suir ayam yang telah matang. Potong-potong hati ayam lalu ditusuk dengan tusuk sate.

Idealnya, labu siam diiris memanjang, lalu direndam air kapur sirih supaya tidak terlalu lembek setelah dimasak. Tapi saya lewat nih langkah yang ini.

2 buah labu siam
3 sdm cabe merah giling
2 iris lengkuas
2 lembar daun salam
1 sdt gula
jika suka pedas bisa ditambah 1 genggam cabe rawit merah
kuah dari opor ayam di atas ambil sebagian

Tumis cabe merah, lengkuas dan daun salam sampai harum, tambahkan kuah opor ayam, masukan labu siam iris, gula pasir. Masak hingga matang.

Di resep dari Ibu Ine ini ada teman nasi Liwet Solo yang khas seperti kumut (santan kental yang dimasak dengan putih telur) dan telur dadar tim/kukus. Tapi kali ini saya tidak sempat membuat keduanya.

Cara Penyajian :
Nasi sepincuk (dialas daun pisang) ditambahkan sayur labu dan sedikit kuah, ayam suir dan telur. Siram dengan sedikit kuah dari opor tadi. Nikmati dengan sate ati ayam.
Saya paling suka makan dengan kerupuk, jadilah kerupuk udang yang kriuk-kriuk menemani nasi liwet ala saya ini.

Nasi Liwet Solo

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