
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Encouraging Myself to Cook

My previous post was about my kitchen blues last August.
At the end of August, I really needed to motivate my self to cook again.
My son would have his birthday on August 25th....I wanted to make something for him.
Sometimes to increase my mood of cooking, I love to see something cute, crafty and lovely.
Just to give some treat for my eyes :-)

Abe's art

I opened my pics when I went to a food bazaar at the end of July, and I saw some cute stuff from a Bostonian student. Her name is Abe. She made mini painting with clay creations and also she made a lovely bottle art, she called it "Say It with a bottle".
You can see it more detail on her blog , just click HERE.

Abe's mini painting with clay creation

Finally I find my spirit of cooking again...yay I was making tapioca layer steam cake (lapis sagu). It was time consuming (more than 1 hour making time, and we have to do it layer by layer). But after seeing the beautiful colorful layer of this cake I just felt happy.

Lapis Sagu

I got this recipe from Ibu Estherlita, from her multiply blog (

750 mL thick coconut milk
200 mL thin coconut milk
100 mL condensed milk
500 gr tapioca flour
2 tbsp sweet rice flour
400 gr sugar
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla
food coloring and food essence according to our preference (usually Pandan paste)

lapis sagu 2


Warm the milk and coconut milk, add sugar and salt.
Put the milk mixture into the flour, stir and mix until smooth. Prepare the steamer. Grease the pan that we will use to steam, with some vegetable oil. Cook every layer, about 10 minutes. I was using mini loaf silicon pan. And I just made half of the amount of the recipe. We need to cook every layer perfectly so we can pull layer by layer when we eat them. After all the layer done, steam again about 20 minutes.

Lapis sagu


  1. Tried this recipe and it turned out just like the real thing. The texture was really good and it was yummy.
