
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Brudel Mama Diana

It was a great time to be in my home city, Bandung Indonesia.
I've been there for 28 days, and it went so fast.
Now, I'm in USA again, going back to my duty.
When I was in Bandung, my mom made Manadonesse food, BRUDEL.

Brudel (4)

The smell of yeast is like bread, but the texture is between cake and bread.
If we say it is cake, it is too dense. But if we say it is bread, it is too smooth :)
Anyway, it tasted so good. Especially, this Brudel was made by my mom with love.
I asked her the recipe for posting it to my blog as my reference.


3/4 kg flour
2 glasses of sugar
3 eggs
3 tbs margarine
2 tbs milk powder
1 sachet of yeast (Fermipan)
2 glasses of water
Raisin + almond/kenari

Brudel (1)

1. Add water to fermipan in large bowl.
2. Add sugar, margarine, eggs, stir it carefully.
3. Add flour and milk powder, stir.
4. Wait until the dough raised
5. Put the dough into baking pan that has been greased and sprinkled by flour.
5. Bake 180 F about 45-60 minutes.

Brudel (7)


  1. wah Jane bikin ini juga, di grup KBB lagi ribut nih urusan brudel, ada 2 resep yang beredar... sekarang ketambahan resep Jane, jadi pingin cobain, ntar contek ya Jane

  2. hallo Lin....ini resep si mama...btw, gelasnya mama pake gelas belimbing. Kelupaan mau coba ukuran cup segitu itu berapa :-) Mama cuma nyampur2 gitu aja jadinya OK..he.he.
